Likeminded people got together to setup this company. VIRALL inherited the work and experience of Core Nano Technology Company (CNT) that was established in Jordan in 2010. CNT ventured in various technology initiatives in the areas of Nano Technology, Semi-Conductor Design, Clean Energy, Unmanned Vehicles, etc. VIRALL is licensed in (US), Jordan and UAE seeking to build strong alliance with highly recognized research universities in the MENA region. Mass communication initiatives, as well as promotional campaigns, seeking qualified mentors and innovators will be executed to serve our goals. At VIRALL we welcome

    ·         Industrial companies that wish to join our list of partners seeking new ideas or recruit top qualified scientists and engineers.

    ·         All initiatives from the idea to the pre-seed fund, to the seed fund stage onward

    ·         Professors, researchers, engineers, or any qualified individual who wishes to join our mentor and evaluator pool of knowledge.

    Please register in our website ( by filling the applicable form to your criterion and join us on via our social media venues (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp).

    VIRALL strives to provide guidance, career and funds for innovators. We will bridge between innovators and industries to maximize opportunities and development. More opportunities shall be available for researchers and universities.
    VIRALL aims to empower young innovators and scientists to achieve their dreams and be proactive.
    • To build strong alliance with private companies and venture capitalists world wide
    • To be the choice for technology innovators and researchers
    • To transform inventions into startups
    • To secure seed fund, venture capital and expertise to guide innovation
    • Appoint qualified intelligent HR at our partners and recruit the needed brains for our partner companies
    • Becoming the technology hub for new innovations and intellectual minds in the region
    • Build a strong knowledge pool from qualified scientists and industry gurus to serve as mentors and evaluators of new innovative ideas

    Sammy Shara

    VIRALL aims to assist intelligent individuals by supporting their innovation and aligning their research and development to real market demand so as to advance their careers. We are partnering with top universities to extend our outreach to global markets through our graduates and quality resources. VIRALL will reach out to willing professors to challenge their students to excel and think big and never stop dreaming.

    Venture Capital is crucial for startups. Moreover, we perceive venture capital fund as the engine that runs innovation and successful startups. VIRALL invites venture capital firms and venture capitalists, as well as Angel Investors to register with us and get the advantage of early-stage investments in our pool of innovative projects and startups. Partnering with VIRALL gives VCs an assurance of investing in well-thought and well guided, elite projects.

    Core sciences are mostly deprived of full innovative initiatives that could lead to feasible startups. The deprivation is not due to a lack of intelligence or big ideas, but rather it is due to the nature of science. Hence, VIRALL offers these scientists a career opportunity at advanced companies that are seeking to hire high achievers. Graduates with high academic achievements will excel once being part of research teams at high technology companies with needed resources. VIRALL is proud to be a bridging platform between top companies and intelligent graduates.

    VIRALL’s main goal is to spread hope by guiding innovators to manifest their dreams. Opportunities are casting their shadows on intelligence in a region troubled with conflicts, unrest and negative stereotyping.

    This region is rich with life loving people, innovative, topnotch scientists and entrepreneurs. A great number of people in our region were lucky enough to get the opportunity to experience studying and working abroad and excelled in their fields. However, so many more never got that chance to experience the prosperity of working and studying in different regions across the globe.

    I wish to extend a warm invitation to innovators, mentors, companies, VCs, Angel Investors, universities and researchers to join out VIRALL community. You will share in a community of hope, knowledge sharing, benefits, growth and technology. Please take the time to browse through our portal to learn more about how you can benefit from our programs. Your dreams, your development, your ROI do matter to us at VIRALL. If you need further details, please don’t hesitate to contact us ( We look forward to serving you and welcoming you as a VIRALL member.

    Dr. Sammy Shara Co-founder, CEO

    John Doe

    Prof.Dr Omar M. Al- Jarrah

    Vice President for Planning and Development at Arab Open University.
    John Doe

    Dr. Feda Shahin

    CEO, Fidelity4All London, UK.
    John Doe

    Dr. Faroog Ibrahim

    Advisor US Department of Transportation
    John Doe

    Mr. Mohammed Tubaishat

    CEO, M&M West Coast Construction Los Angeles, USA USC, MBA in Information Systems SAP Consultant
    John Doe

    Dr. Sammy Shara

    Founder, CEO, Acting Director, Jordan branch.
    John Doe

    Dr. Abed Ayoub

    Deputy CEO, for Business Development
    John Doe

    Mr. Muwaffaq Nawasrah

    Chief Financial Officer
    John Doe

    Dr. Nael Barakat

    Director of Research and Development, Acting director of the Dallas office
    John Doe

    Dr. Amin Einea

    Director of Innovation
    John Doe

    Dr. Munir Hourani

    Director of Strategies
    John Doe

    Eng. Radwan Ababneh

    Director of Logistics
    John Doe

    Mrs. Salama Amer

    Co-Founder Director Abu Dhabi Office, UAE
    John Doe

    Mr. Ahmed Al Sharu

    Director, Saudi branch
    John Doe

    Mr. Mohamed Fathi

    Director, Egypt Office